Don't expect to see much here for a while: I'm really busy with college work right now and some mental shit that won't go away so I'm doing said work really slowly.
Haven't properly touched this website in like 2 months and I feel guilty as I get that message for the monthly voting and I've missed so many cool projects now but I don't have the time or motivation to check this site every day like I did for the past 3 ish years. I won't continue on though, don't want to concern people with my ramblings.
I'm still working on my album and I'm still working on DDLH. I want to redraw the sprites I've already drawn, now that I've figured out how that stuff works (kinda) but I just don't have the time or motivation and dear god I don't think I'll have the motivation for a while.
I swear one day I'm gonna go insane and just melt into the floor lol.